Title: Purification and characterization of cell-associated glucosyltransferase synthesizing water-insoluble glucan from serotype c Streptococcus mutans
Data: 1989
Journal: Journal of General Microbiology, 1989, 135; 335-344
Title: Purification and characterization of cell-associated glucosyltransferase synthesizing water-insoluble glucan from serotype c Streptococcus mutans
Data: 1989
Journal: Journal of General Microbiology, 1989, 135; 335-344
Title: Purification and characterization of cell-associated glucosyltransferase synthesizing water-insoluble glucan from serotype c Streptococcus mutans
Data: 1989
Journal: Journal of General Microbiology, 1989, 135; 335-344