Title: Passive Immunization with Hen Egg Yolk Antibodies to Streptococcus mutans Protein Antigens in Rats.
Date: May 1990
Conference: 90th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology
Download: H2 1990.5 EN
Title: Passive Immunization with Hen Egg Yolk Antibodies to Streptococcus mutans Protein Antigens in Rats.
Date: May 1990
Conference: 90th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology
Download: H2 1990.5 EN
Title: Passive Immunization with Hen Egg Yolk Antibodies to Streptococcus mutans Protein Antigens in Rats.
Date: May 1990
Conference: 90th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology
Download: H2 1990.5 EN